ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Evil bit

Okay, so imagine a very simple way to tell computers whether another computer is good or bad, kind of like a traffic light. Green means good, red means bad. This is what the evil bit is.

Every single computer that communicates over the internet has something called an IP address. It's kind of like their phone number. When two computers talk to each other, they introduce themselves by saying "Hey, here's my IP address!"

So when a computer sends you a message over the internet, it tells you not only what it wants to say, but also whether it's good or bad using the evil bit. The bit is just a tiny switch that can be either on or off.

If the evil bit is set to 0, it means that the computer sending you the message is good. If the evil bit is set to 1, it means that the computer sending you the message is bad.

For example, imagine you have a computer game that can be played over the internet, and you're playing with other people from all around the world. When you play, your computer sends and receives a lot of messages to and from other people's computers.

If you receive a message from someone whose evil bit is set to 1, you might want to ignore it because it could be a hacker or an attacker trying to mess with your computer. If you receive a message from someone whose evil bit is set to 0, it means that they're just another friendly player, so you can safely continue playing your game!

Overall, the evil bit is just a way for computers to quickly and easily tell each other whether they're good or bad, without having to go through more complicated processes to figure it out.
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