ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Evolution strategy

Evolution strategy is a way to find the best solution to a problem through repeated testing and refining. It works like this: first, you come up with a bunch of possible solutions, called "candidates". Then, you test these candidates to see how well they perform. Based on their performance, you make little changes to the candidates that did well, and throw out the ones that didn't do so great. You keep repeating this process, looking for better and better solutions until you find the best one.

Think of it like a big game of "guess and check". You're guessing lots of different solutions to a problem, checking how well they work, and then using that information to make better guesses. Just like how you might guess at a puzzle solution, and then check to see if it's right before making more guesses.

This works because over time, the candidates that do well will "evolve" into even better candidates, like how animals that are better adapted to their environment survive and have more offspring. Eventually, you'll get a solution that works really well!

Overall, it's a way to use trial-and-error to find the best solution to a problem, by gradually improving on what you've done before.