ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Evolutionary Air and Space Global Laser Engagement

Evolutionary air and space global laser engagement is a special way of using lasers to protect our planet and its people. Imagine that you are playing with a toy laser pointer. When you point it at different things, it makes a little dot of light, right? So, scientists and engineers have made really big laser pointers that are strong enough to shoot into space and can target things like asteroids or satellites that could harm Earth.

Now, let's pretend that we have a bunch of those big laser pointers all over the world, and they can all work together in a big team to protect us. That's what we call "global laser engagement". Scientists and engineers are always trying to improve these lasers and make them even stronger and more effective, kind of like how you might try to make your toy car faster or your sandcastle taller.

So, why are we doing all of this? Well, there are things in space that could be dangerous to us here on Earth. For example, if a big asteroid came too close to us, it could cause a lot of damage. But with these lasers, we can shoot them and deflect them away from us so they don't hit us. It's like kicking a soccer ball away from a window so it doesn't break it.

Overall, evolutionary air and space global laser engagement is a very important way to keep us safe and protected from things that could harm our planet.