Okay kiddo, imagine you did something wrong, like stealing a toy from a friend. Your friend found out and took the toy back from you. But now you want to go to the court and complain that your friend took the toy away from you even though you were the one who did something wrong. That's not fair, right?
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio is a fancy Latin phrase that means "an action does not arise from an unethical cause". Basically, it means that if someone did something illegal or wrong, they can't use the court system to benefit from it.
So, in our toy stealing example, you can't use the court system to get the toy back because you did something wrong by stealing it in the first place. The court won't support something that originated from a bad action.
Overall, this phrase means that someone who did something wrong can't benefit from it, even if they try to use the court system.