ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Exclusive economic zone of Greece

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of Greece? It's a country located in Europe. Greece has a special area around it in the sea that is called an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). This means that Greece has special laws and rights to control and use the resources in that area.

Now, the EEZ of Greece extends up to 200 nautical miles or about 370 kilometers from its coastline. Imagine drawing a big circle around Greece in the sea, that's how far the EEZ extends. In this big circle, Greece has rights to fish, mine minerals, and drill for oil and gas. They also have the power to control maritime activities like shipping and environmental protection within that area.

But, other countries also have their own EEZs around them, so Greece can’t just do whatever they want in the sea. They have to follow international laws and agreements and respect the EEZs of other countries in the area.

So, the EEZ of Greece is like a special area in the sea that they control and use for their own benefit, but they also have to keep good relationships with their neighbors and follow the rules to avoid conflicts.