ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Execution by elephant

Okay, so you know how when someone does something really bad, they might have to go to a special place called a court where a group of people called judges decide what should happen to them? Sometimes, if the bad thing they did was really, really terrible, the judges might decide that they deserve a really bad punishment called execution.

Now, there are different ways that people used to do executions in the past, and in some places, they used elephants to do it. An elephant is a really big, strong animal with a long trunk and big ears.

So, when they decided to do an execution by elephant, they would bring the person who was going to be punished to a big open space where there were a lot of people watching. Then, they would bring out the elephant - this would be a really scary thing to see because the elephant is so big and powerful!

The person who was going to be punished would be put in front of the elephant, usually tied up so they couldn't run away. Then, the elephant would be told to walk towards them and step on them with its big, heavy feet. This would hurt or even kill the person, which was the whole point of the punishment.

It's really sad to think about, and we don't do things like that anymore because it's not fair or kind. We have better ways to punish people now that don't involve hurting or killing them.