ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Exodus 32

Exodus 32 is a story from the Bible about a group of people who were waiting for their leader, Moses, to come back from speaking with God. They started to get worried and impatient, so they asked another leader, Aaron, to make them a new god to worship. Aaron made a golden calf, and the people started to worship it instead of waiting for Moses and following the commandments of the one true God.

When Moses returned and saw what was happening, he was very angry. He had just received the Ten Commandments from God and knew that the people were disobeying them. Moses broke the tablets in his anger and asked Aaron why he had made the golden calf. Aaron said that the people had forced him to do it and that he had not wanted to.

Moses then asked who was on God's side and who was not. The Levites, a particular tribe of the Israelites, came forward and pledged their loyalty to Moses and God. Moses told them to take their swords and kill the people who had been worshipping the golden calf. They did, and about 3,000 people were killed that day.

This story teaches us about following God's commandments and not worshipping false idols or gods. It also shows the importance of loyalty and obedience to our leaders and God.