ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Exotic baryon

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you what an exotic baryon is.

First, let's understand what a baryon is. Baryons are particles that are made of three quarks. You know what quarks are, right? They are the tiniest building blocks of matter that we know of. Just like how you can build things with Lego blocks, scientists can build baryons with quarks.

Now, these baryons can come in different types. The most common type is called a proton, and it is made up of two "up" quarks and one "down" quark. Another type is called a neutron, which is made up of two "down" quarks and one "up" quark.

But sometimes, scientists find baryons that are different from the usual ones. These baryons have different combinations of quarks that we haven't seen before. These rare baryons are called exotic baryons.

Some of these exotic baryons have really strange combinations of quarks, like one "up" quark, one "down" quark, and one "strange" quark. Others may have combinations of quarks that we haven't even discovered yet.

Scientists are interested in studying exotic baryons because they can reveal new information about the fundamental building blocks of our universe.

So there you have it, little one. Exotic baryons are rare particles made up of unusual combinations of quarks that scientists want to learn more about.