ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a very special time in the Christian religion. It is a time when we remember and celebrate the belief that the Virgin Mary was going to have a baby who would be the son of God. This special baby was going to be named Jesus and he would change the world forever.

You know how sometimes mommies have a baby in their belly and they get bigger and bigger until the baby is ready to be born? Well, Mary was going through the same thing. People around her knew that God had chosen her to have this super special baby who would save the world.

Even though Mary and Joseph, who would be Jesus' father, were really excited and happy to have this baby, they were also a little bit scared and worried. They knew that taking care of this baby would be a big responsibility, but they also knew that they had to trust God because he had a plan and it was going to be amazing.

Christians around the world celebrate the Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary every year as a way of remembering how important it is to have faith and to trust that God has a plan for each of us. It is a time to feel grateful for the amazing gift that Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus brought to the world.