ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Experiment (horse powered boat)

Imagine you're playing with your favorite toy car and you want to see how fast it goes. So, you make a ramp and see how far it jumps. This is like an experiment because you're testing something out to see what happens.

Now imagine a big toy boat that doesn't use any fuel or electricity to move. Instead, it uses horses to power it. Yes, you read that right – just like how horse-drawn carriages were used a long time ago, this boat has a big wooden wheel that horses walk on to make the boat move!

But someone wants to find out more about how this works. They want to know if the number of horses changes the boat's speed or if the size of the wheel does, or if something else affects it. So, they decide to do an experiment.

First, they gather all the horses they need and attach them to the wheel that moves the boat. They make sure that everything is safe and secure. And then, they start the experiment by timing and measuring the speed of the boat with different numbers of horses, different wheel sizes, and different weather conditions.

They record all their findings and analyze them to see what factors impact the boat's speed the most. That way, they can use the information to make the boat even better.

So, an experiment is like a big science project where you test something out and learn new information from it. And in the case of the horse-powered boat, the experiment helped people understand how to make it more effective and efficient.