ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Explainable AI

Okay kiddo, do you know what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is? It's like having a really smart computer that can do things on its own without being told exactly what to do every time.

Now, sometimes this computer can make decisions that we humans don't understand. We might ask "Why did the computer choose that answer or make that decision?" This is where "explainable AI" comes in.

Explainable AI is when computer scientists and programmers make sure that the AI can explain and show how it came up with its answer or decision. It helps us understand why it picked that answer so that we can be sure it's the right one.

Think of it like a teacher explaining how they solved a math problem on the board. They show us how they did it step by step, so we can understand and learn from it. That's what AI does with "explainable AI" - it shows us its steps, so we can learn from it too!