ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Expulsion of the Acadians

You know how sometimes people don't get along and can't agree on things? That happened a long time ago in a place called Acadia, which is now part of Canada. The people who lived there were called Acadians, and they were French but they also spoke a different language called Acadian French. Some other people who lived there didn't like the Acadians because they were different and didn't always agree on things.

One day, the leaders of the group who didn't like the Acadians decided they wanted them to leave because they didn't want them there anymore. This was a really sad thing because the Acadians had lived there for a really long time and had families and friends there. They didn't want to leave, but they had to because the leaders said they had to.

The Acadians had to leave their homes and their things behind and go to a new place that they didn't know much about. This was really hard for them because they had to start all over again in a new place and didn't have much to help them. They felt really sad and missed their old home and their families and friends who they had to leave behind.

This event is now called the Expulsion of the Acadians, and it happened a long time ago in 1755. It was a really hard time for the Acadians, but they persevered and eventually created new communities in the places they were forced to go. Today, many people still remember what happened to the Acadians and try to make sure that nothing like it ever happens again.