ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Extended natural numbers

Okay, let's talk about numbers! You know some numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. These are called natural numbers because they come naturally to us when we count things like our toys or friends.

But what happens if we want to talk about something that is less than 1, like half an apple? Well, we can use fractions like 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, and so on.

Now what if we want to talk about something that is even less than that, like -1/2 or -1/3? These are called negative fractions or negative rational numbers.

But what if we want to talk about something that is NOT a fraction or a whole number, like the square root of 2? This is called an irrational number.

Extended natural numbers are a way to include all of these types of numbers (natural, rational, negative rational, irrational) in one big group. We can also add two special numbers to this group: positive infinity and negative infinity.

Positive infinity is a way to talk about what happens if we keep adding bigger and bigger natural numbers together. It's like counting forever and ever without stopping. Negative infinity is a way to talk about what happens if we keep subtracting bigger and bigger natural numbers.

So when we talk about extended natural numbers, we're talking about a BIG group of numbers that includes all the types of numbers we know plus positive infinity and negative infinity. It's like having a HUGE box of toys to play with instead of just a few!