ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Extension method

Okay kiddo, so an extension method is when we add some extra stuff to a class without changing the original class code.

Think of it like this - imagine you have a toy car, but you really want to add a cool laser beam to it. You don't want to change the original car and break it, but you do want to add something new. So, you make a little laser beam that sticks onto the car and voila - you've extended the toy car with a cool new feature!

Now, in computer programming, we can do the same thing with classes. We have some classes that are just the way they are, and we don't want to change them. But maybe we want to add some new methods that work with those classes. That's where extension methods come in. We write the new method separately, and then tell the computer that it should be an extension of the old class. This way, we can add cool new features to our code and make it more powerful, without breaking the original code.

So, in summary, an extension method is a way of adding something extra to a class without changing the original code. Just like adding a laser beam to a toy car!