ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Extraction of iron

Iron extraction is the process of removing iron from its ores, such as hematite and magnetite, in order to obtain pure iron for use in various industries.

First, the iron ore is mined from the ground using heavy machinery. Then it is transported to a processing plant where it undergoes a series of steps to extract the iron.

The first step is crushing the ore into smaller pieces. This is done using machines called crushers. The crushed ore is then sieved to separate the larger chunks from the smaller pieces.

Next, the ore is concentrated by separating the impurities from the iron using a method called magnetic separation. This involves passing the ore over a magnetic drum, which attracts the iron and leaves behind the impurities.

The resulting iron concentrate is then heated in a furnace with coke (a type of coal) and limestone. The coke provides the heat needed to melt the iron, while the limestone helps to remove any leftover impurities.

As the mixture melts, the molten iron sinks to the bottom of the furnace and is collected. This iron is known as pig iron and still contains a significant amount of carbon and other impurities.

To obtain pure iron, the pig iron is then refined using a process called the Bessemer process. This involves blowing air through the molten pig iron to remove the carbon, sulfur, and other impurities. The resulting pure iron can then be shaped into various metallic products.

Overall, the extraction of iron is a complex process involving various steps to remove impurities and obtain pure iron for use in industry.