ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Extradition law in the Republic of Ireland

So let's pretend you and your friend got in a fight and you hurt your friend really badly. Your friend's family wants you to go to jail for what you did, but you ran away to another country called Ireland.

Now Ireland has a rule called "extradition law" which means that if you did a bad thing in another country and they ask Ireland nicely, Ireland might send you back to the other country to go to jail.

But wait, there are some rules to this rule. First, the country asking for you must have a good reason, like if you hurt someone really badly or did something very bad like steal a lot of money.

Second, the bad thing you did must also be a bad thing in Ireland too. If it's not against the law in Ireland, they might not send you back.

And finally, there are some situations where Ireland might not send you back, like if you could be hurt or punished badly in the other country or if the request was made too long after the bad thing happened.

So, if your friend's family asked Ireland to send you back to go to jail for hurting your friend, Ireland might decide to send you back if they think it's a good idea and if you broke the law in both countries. But don't worry, this is just an example and you should never hurt anyone!