ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

FAO Country Profiles

FAO country profiles are like a book that tells you everything you need to know about a country, but it's on the internet! Imagine you want to learn about a new place you've never heard of before, like... let's say Japan.

These profiles have all sorts of information about Japan, like what kind of foods they eat (like sushi and ramen), what languages they speak (like Japanese!), where they are in the world (far away from where we live), and all sorts of other fun facts.

But the profiles are also important because they tell you important things that grown-ups care about too, things like: how the country's economy works (that means how people make money to pay for things they need), what kind of crops they grow (like rice and tea), and how they take care of their animals (like cows and chickens).

The FAO country profiles are really helpful for grown-ups who work with and for countries, so they can understand what a country is like and how they might want to work with them. But they're also really cool for kids who want to learn about different places and cultures around the world.