ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

FIR transfer function

The fir transfer function, or "finite impulse response transfer function," is a special mathematical equation or formula that helps us understand how a certain electronic or digital system responds to different input signals.

Imagine you have a toy piano, and you press some keys to play a song. The way the notes sound depends on how the toy piano is built and what materials it is made of. Similarly, the fir transfer function tells us how an electronic system, like a speaker or an amplifier, will change the signal that comes in - like a song or a voice - before it goes out as sound.

Just like how you might mix different colors of paint to get a certain shade, the fir transfer function can be made up of different parts that each do a certain job. These parts might change the volume, boost or reduce certain frequencies, or even add special sound effects like reverb or echo.

The fir transfer function can be graphed or plotted in a special way to help us visualize how it affects the input signal. It's important because it helps engineers and musicians understand how to get the right sounds or tones that they want out of their equipment, from guitar pedals to digital equalizers.