ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Faithful Ruslan

Faithful Ruslan is a book about a dog named Ruslan who lives in a place called the Soviet Union, which is a country that used to exist and was ruled by the government.

Ruslan has a special job – he is a guard dog and his job is to make sure that no bad guys come into the prison where he lives and to protect the people who work there.

One day, some of the people who work at the prison are arrested by the government because they are accused of not liking the government and wanting to change things. Ruslan gets very confused because the people he has been protecting all this time are now being treated like bad guys.

Even though Ruslan knows that all these people are his friends, he cannot understand why they are being punished. Ruslan starts to feel a lot of different emotions like sadness and anger. He starts to remember different times in his life when things were happy and he could run and play freely.

Throughout the book, we see Ruslan struggling with his loyalty to the people who have taken care of him and his desire to do what he thinks is right. In the end, Ruslan has to make a difficult decision about whether to continue to follow his orders or to change and do what he thinks is best.

Faithful Ruslan is a story about how dogs, just like people, can feel a lot of different emotions and can have their loyalties challenged. It shows how even animals can struggle with what is right and wrong, and how important it is to always think about what is best for everyone involved.