ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Family purpose doctrine

The family purpose doctrine is like when your mommy and daddy make a big decision for the whole family. If they decide to buy a car and everyone in the family can use it, then they're responsible for what happens with the car - even if someone else in the family was driving it when something bad happens.

This means that if your big brother was driving the car and got into an accident, your dad would still have to pay for any damage or hurt people because he's the head of the household and made the decision to buy the car for the family to use.

Now, this only applies if the family all had a reason to use the car or the thing that caused the problem. If your family bought a fancy new trampoline and your neighbor came over to jump on it and got hurt, your dad wouldn't be responsible because the neighbor wasn't part of the family and didn't have a good reason to use the trampoline.

The family purpose doctrine is just a way to make sure that families are responsible for big decisions they make together, even if someone else in the family is directly involved in what went wrong.