ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Family reunification

Alright kiddo, so you know how sometimes families have to be apart because of work or school or other reasons? It can be really sad and you might miss your family members a lot. Well, family reunification is when those families get to come back together again.

Sometimes, families live in different countries and can't be together because it's too hard to travel or get permission to move. But with family reunification, the government can help bring those families back together by allowing certain family members to come and live with their relatives in a new country.

It's important because families need each other to stay happy and healthy. When families are separated, they can feel lonely and sad. But when they get to be together again, they can support each other and have fun together.

Family reunification is a way for governments to help families stay close, even if they live far away from each other. It's a way to make sure that families can be together when they need to be, no matter where they live.