ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fantasy wrestling

Okay kiddo, so you know how people like to play pretend and make up stories? Well, fantasy wrestling is kind of like that. It's a game where people pretend to be in charge of a wrestling show and make up their own matches and storylines.

But instead of just making up random stuff, they use real wrestlers from companies like WWE or AEW. They pick which wrestlers they want on their "roster" and then each week they imagine what matches those wrestlers would have if they were all in the same wrestling show.

They might also come up with storylines, like maybe two wrestlers hate each other and want to fight, or maybe one wrestler wants to win a championship belt.

The people playing the game might talk to each other online or in person and pretend to be the wrestlers or the people in charge of the wrestling show. They might even write out scripts or record videos of their imaginary matches and storylines.

So it's kind of like playing with action figures, but instead of just fighting randomly, you're making up a whole story for them to follow. Fun, right?