ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Far-right politics in Germany (1945–present)

Alright kiddo, let's talk about something called far-right politics in Germany, which has been going on since 1945 to present day. So, first thing you need to know is that after World War II, Germany was divided into two parts. The western part became a democracy while the eastern part was ruled by the Soviet Union.

Now, some people in Germany did not like the idea of democracy, and they wanted to go back to the old ways where there was one person in charge, like a king or a dictator. These people were called right-wing extremists, and they believed in things like nationalism, which means the idea that Germany is the best country in the world and all other countries are inferior.

Some of these right-wing extremists belonged to groups like the National Democratic Party of Germany or the German People's Union. They believed in things like anti-Semitism (hate towards Jewish people) and racism, meaning they thought that people who were different from them, like immigrants or people with different religions, shouldn't be allowed in Germany.

These far-right groups often use violence or protests to get their message across, which is really not okay. Even though the governments have tried to stop them, these groups still exist today, and it's really important to remember that their ideas are hateful and dangerous.

However, there are also many people in Germany who are fighting against these far-right groups and trying to promote peace, tolerance, and understanding among all people. It's important to remember that everyone deserves equal respect and dignity, no matter where they come from or what they believe.