ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fast cutting

Okay, so imagine you have a piece of paper and some scissors. When you use the scissors to cut the paper really quickly, that's kind of like fast cutting. Fast cutting is a way of editing videos or movies to make them look more exciting and fast-paced.

Sometimes when you watch a movie or a TV show, you'll notice that the camera angle changes quickly or the picture flickers really fast. This is called a "cut". Editors use cuts to make the video look more interesting, and fast cutting means they use a LOT of cuts in a short amount of time. This can make a scene look really intense and exciting!

Think about an action scene in a superhero movie. If the editors used slow cuts, it might make the scene feel boring or slow. But if they use fast cuts, it makes it seem like everything is happening really quickly and it keeps your attention on the screen.

So, fast cutting is when editors use lots of quick cuts in a video to make it seem more fast-paced and exciting. And just like using scissors to cut paper, the faster they cut or edit, the more intense the final product will look!
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