ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Feature model

Okay kiddo, let me explain feature model to you in a very simple way. Imagine you have a toy car that you can customize by choosing different parts like wheels, colors, and shapes. You can make your toy car unique by choosing the features you like.

Similarly, when building software or computer systems, you can choose different parts or features to create a customized product. A feature model is like a blueprint or a list of all the possible features you can choose from.

This blueprint helps the software developers to decide which features to include or exclude in the final product based on the client's needs or requirements. Just like your toy car, the features you choose can affect the overall cost and complexity of the final product.

In summary, a feature model is a tool that allows software developers to create a customized software solution by choosing the right features according to the clients' specifications or requirements.