Imagine you have some toys, but your friend has different toys that you also like. To play with their toys, you can go to their house and play with them. Similarly, a federated social network is like a big playground in which there are many smaller playgrounds, each with their unique toys. You can visit any of these playgrounds to play with the toys that you like.
In social media terms, a federated social network is a big platform where there are different smaller social networks. Each of these smaller social networks has its own rules, users, and administrators. These smaller social networks can communicate with each other, which means that users from one social network can communicate with users from another network in the federated social network.
For instance, imagine that there are three social networks: A, B, and C. User 1 is in social network A, and user 2 is in social network B. Both these users want to communicate with each other. In a federated social network, user 1 in social network A can send a message to user 2 in social network B, and vice versa.
To accomplish this inter-communication, the smaller social networks use a common protocol, a shared system of rules that enable them to communicate with each other. This protocol is like a common language that everyone in the federated social network understands.
In summary, a federated social network is a big playground made up of smaller playgrounds, each with its own rules and toys. These smaller playgrounds can communicate with each other because they all speak the same language or use the same protocol, just like how you and your friend can communicate in the playground because you both speak the same language.