ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Feebate is a way to control the purchase and use of certain products. Let's say you want to buy a car. If you buy a car that uses a lot of gas, then you might have to pay a fee. But if you buy a car that is more energy-efficient and has better gas mileage, then you might receive a rebate or a refund.

It's kind of like getting rewarded for making good choices! The government or organization in charge wants people to buy products that are better for the environment, so they use a feebate system to encourage that behavior.

If you can imagine a seesaw, the good environmental choices are on one side and the bad choices are on the other side. The feebate system tips the seesaw in favor of the good choices, by making them more affordable and the bad choices more expensive.

In summary, a feebate is a system of incentivizing good environmental choices and disincentivizing bad behavior by charging fees for undesirable activities and rewarding behavior that benefits the environment.
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