ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Felix Bloch

So Feliz Bloch was a very smart man who lived a long time ago, when your mommy's mommy and daddy's daddy were even younger than they are now. Feliz was born in Switzerland in 1905, and he loved to learn about something called physics, which is all about how things in the world move and work.

When he got older, Feliz became a scientist and went to America to work at a fancy university called Stanford. There, he discovered something really special called the Bloch equation, which helped people study the inside of things called atoms.

This was really important because atoms are like the tiniest building blocks of everything in the world, even your toys and your body! By figuring out how atoms and their little parts worked, scientists like Feliz could help other people invent new things and make the world a better place.

Feliz was so smart and his discovery was so important that he won something called the Nobel Prize, which is like a really big gold medal that says you did something super amazing.

Thanks to Feliz's work, we know a lot more about how things move and work on the smallest level, and that helps us to make all sorts of cool things that make our lives better, like computers and electricity. So we should be really thankful to Feliz Bloch for being so smart and curious about the world around us!