ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Female Chauvinist Pigs

Female chauvinist pigs is a term that refers to women who act like men because they think it will make them better or more powerful.

Imagine if you and your friend are playing with toys and your friend says that girls can't play with toy cars because it's only for boys. If you start to think that you need to play with toy cars to be like a boy, even though you actually prefer dolls or other toys, then you might be acting like a female chauvinist pig.

Basically, being a female chauvinist pig means that you try to act like a man because you believe that this will make you more important or better than other women. It's like pretending to be something you're not, instead of being proud of who you are.

It's important to remember that everyone is different and it's okay to like different things. Boys can like dolls and girls can like toy cars – there's no right or wrong way to be a boy or a girl. We should celebrate our differences and not try to be someone we're not.