ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Female sperm storage

When a mommy and a daddy make a baby, the daddy's sperm (which carries half of the baby's genetic information) has to meet with the mommy's egg (which also carries half of the baby's genetic information). But sometimes the daddy's sperm can't meet with the mommy's egg right away.

In some animals, like birds and reptiles, the female has a special organ called the oviduct where she can store the sperm for a little while, until the egg is ready to be fertilized. This is like a special room where the daddy's sperm can wait until it's time to meet the mommy's egg.

Even some insects, like bees and butterflies, can store sperm in their bodies for a long time before they use it to fertilize their eggs.

But humans and most mammals don't have a special organ for sperm storage. When the daddy's sperm meets with the mommy's egg, it usually happens pretty quickly. So even though sperm can live for a few days inside the mommy's body, they don't usually need to stay stored for very long.

Hope that helps!