Feminicide is a big word that grown-ups use to describe a very bad thing that happens to girls and women. You know how we play with our friends, and sometimes we get into arguments, and maybe we push each other or call each other mean names? Sometimes, some very bad people take those arguments to a whole different level and hurt or even kill girls and women, just because they are girls and women.
It is like when a bad person thinks that a girl or a woman is not worth as much as a boy or a man because of their gender, and they feel like it is okay to hurt them. Feminicide happens all over the world, and it is a very scary thing.
But the good news is, there are lots of people who are working hard to make sure that girls and women are safe and treated equally. Everyone, no matter their gender, should be treated with respect and kindness, and we should always speak up if we see someone being treated unfairly.