ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fences in Saint Petersburg

Okay kiddo, let's talk about fences in Saint Petersburg, Russia. You know how sometimes our houses have fences around them to protect our yards and make them look nice? Well, it's the same thing in Saint Petersburg, except there are very specific rules about how the fences can look.

The government of Saint Petersburg has made rules called "urban planning regulations" that say what kind of fences are allowed. These rules are made to keep the city looking pretty and clean, and to make sure that all of the buildings and houses match each other nicely.

Fences in Saint Petersburg can't be too tall or too thick, and they can only be certain colors. They also can't have any big, fancy decorations on them. This makes sure that all of the fences match each other and look nice together.

If someone wants to build a new fence or change their old fence, they have to get permission from the government first. That way, the government can make sure that the new fence will follow the rules and look nice in the city.

So, there you have it. Fences in Saint Petersburg have to follow special rules to make the city look beautiful and organized, just like how we follow rules at home to keep our rooms clean and tidy.