ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fermat quotient

Fermat's quotient is a way to figure out if a number is prime or not. It was created by the mathematician Pierre Fermat a long time ago. It's a simple way to check if a number is prime or not.

To use Fermat's quotient, you need to have a number that you want to check and a number to divide it by (we'll call this the “divisor”). If the number you want to check is not prime, then the answer when you divide them will be a whole number (with no remainder). If it is prime, then the answer when you divide them will not be a whole number (there will be a remainder).

For example, let’s say you want to check if 6 is prime or not. You can use Fermat's quotient to do this.

Pick a number to divide 6 by (we'll use 3). When we divide 6 by 3, the answer is 2, which is a whole number. That means 6 is not prime.

Now let’s try it with another number, like 7. Pick a number to divide 7 by (we'll use 4). When we divide 7 by 4, the answer is 1 with a remainder of 3. That means 7 is prime.