ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fermi's interaction

Fermi's interaction is a way that tiny particles, like electrons, can stick together and make bigger particles like atoms. Think of it like playing with Legos. Each Lego is like an electron, and when we click them together we make bigger structures, like a house or a car.

Fermi's interaction is like a super strong glue that holds electrons together, even though they have the same electric charge which should normally repel them. The glue is made of something called the weak force, which is one of the four forces of nature.

The weak force is not very strong, but it can do some very cool things. For example, it is responsible for making the sun shine by fusing hydrogen atoms into helium. In fact, without the weak force there wouldn't be any stars or planets in the universe!

So, in short, Fermi's interaction is a way that tiny particles can stick together using the weak force to make bigger structures, just like Legos clicking together to make a big house.