Hey there little one! Do you know what Fetha Nagast is? Well, it's a very old book that was written a long, long time ago in a country called Ethiopia. This book is super special because it has all kinds of rules and laws that people in Ethiopia followed for a really, really long time.
The Fetha Nagast has a lot of rules and laws about things like marriage, stealing, and even what foods you can and can't eat. It's kind of like a big instruction manual on how to behave really nicely and be a good person.
One of the most interesting things about the Fetha Nagast is that it talks a lot about how important religion is. People in Ethiopia are usually Christian, and this book has a lot of rules that are based on the beliefs of the Christian religion.
Overall, the Fetha Nagast is a really important book for people in Ethiopia because it helps them live good lives and be nice to each other. And even though it's a really old book, people still look at it today to help guide them in their everyday lives.