ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Feudal fascism

Feudalism is a really old way of organizing society, where there are lords who own land and have people work for them in exchange for protection. It's like a really big family, where the lord is like the dad and the workers are like the kids.

Now, fascism is another way of organizing society where the government has a lot of control over what people do and say. It's like having a really strict teacher who tells you what to do all the time.

So, when we put these two things together, we get something called feudal fascism. This means that the government and the lord work together to control everything in society. The lord still owns land and has people working for him, but the government is also making rules and controlling what people do.

It's not a good thing because people don't have much say in what happens in their own lives. They have to follow the rules of both the government and the lord, and they don't have much freedom to make choices for themselves.

So, in summary, feudal fascism is when a lord and the government work together to control everything in society, which doesn't give people much freedom or say in what happens in their own lives.