ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fick's law of diffusion

Fick's law of diffusion is like a game that helps us understand how things move around. Imagine that there are two rooms. One is full of people and the other is empty. You can open the door between the two rooms and the people will start to spread out. They won't all go to the empty room. Instead, some people will move to the empty room because the room is emptier, and some will stay in the full room because that's where the people are. So, the people move from where there are more of them to where there are fewer of them. Fick's law of diffusion says that when you have a situation like this, the movement of people will follow a certain pattern. The pattern is that the people will move from areas that have more people to areas with fewer people and they will keep moving until they reach a balance where they are evenly spread out between the two rooms.