ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fife and drum blues

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about fife and drum blues.

First, have you heard of a fife? It's a small, high-pitched flute with only a few holes that's often used in military music. And have you heard of a drum? Well, I'm sure you know what a drum is!

Now put them together, and you have fife and drum music! It's a type of music that was played a lot in the rural southern United States a long time ago, especially by African American musicians.

Now, the blues part of fife and drum blues is the type of music played. The blues is a kind of music that's really sad sounding, but also makes you want to dance sometimes. It's a bit hard to explain, but just imagine feeling really sad but also really happy at the same time.

So fife and drum blues is a mix of sad and happy music played on a high-pitched flute and a drum. It's a type of music that tells stories about life in the southern United States a long time ago, and it's still played today by some musicians who want to keep the tradition alive.