ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Filipinos in Hong Kong

Okay kiddo, do you remember when Grandma and Grandpa went to visit Auntie and Uncle who live in Hong Kong? Well, there are many people like them who move to Hong Kong to work or live there, and some of them are from the Philippines. These people are called Filipinos.

Sometimes, Filipinos move to Hong Kong because they want to find jobs that pay them more money than they can make back home. They might work as helpers or at restaurants, or take care of other people's kids. They work very hard and send money back to their families in the Philippines.

But sometimes, it's not easy for Filipinos in Hong Kong. Some people might be mean to them or make fun of them because they are from a different country. There might also be rules or paperwork that they have to follow to live in Hong Kong. It can be stressful and scary.

That's why there are groups of people who try to help Filipinos in Hong Kong. They might give them food, shelter or help them with their paperwork. They want Filipinos to feel comfortable and safe in Hong Kong even though they are far away from their homes in the Philippines.

So, it's important for us to be kind and respectful to all people no matter where they are from or what they do. Just like how we would like to be treated if we were in a different place or country.