ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Comilang v. Commissioner of Registration

Okay kiddo, so there is this thing called comilang v. commissioner of registration, which is basically a court case about whether or not a person can vote in an election.

You know how when you turn 18, you can vote in elections? Well, this court case was about a lady named Comilang who wanted to vote in an election but the government person in charge of registering voters said she couldn't.

The reason why the government person said she couldn't vote was because Comilang was not living in the same place where she was registered to vote. The government person said that Comilang needed to live at the address she was registered at in order to vote.

Comilang didn't agree with this and she took the government person to court. The court had to decide if Comilang could vote or not.

The court looked at the rules for voting in that area and they found that the rules did not say anything about a person needing to live at the address they were registered at in order to vote. So, they said that Comilang should be allowed to vote even though she was not living at the same address.

So, in the end, Comilang got to vote and she won the court case. The important thing to remember is that the rules for voting can be different in different places and they can change over time, so it's always good to check with the people in charge before you vote.