ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Filtered Containment Venting System

Alright kiddo, so imagine you have a big box and inside it there is a ball. Suddenly, something bad happens and the ball explodes, making a big mess and it releases gas into the air. Now, we don't want that gas to go everywhere, so we need to contain it.

The filtered containment venting system is kind of like a superhero that helps us contain this gas. It's like when you put a lid on your cup to keep your juice inside, but instead of a lid, we have a special system.

This system has different parts that work together. First, there is a big metal box that surrounds the area where the explosion happened. Then, there is a special filter inside the box that catches the gas and keeps it from escaping.

Now, we don't want the gas to build up too much inside the box because that could still be dangerous. So, there is another part of the system called a venting system. It's like a tiny window that lets some of the gas escape, but only after it goes through more filters that clean the air and make it safe to disperse into the environment.

So, the filtered containment venting system is like a big box with a special filter that catches the gas and a special window that lets some of it out, but only after it's been cleaned. It's a superhero that keeps us safe if something bad happens.