ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Financial analyst

A financial analyst is a person who helps businesses and investors understand how money works. They take big piles of complicated numbers and turn them into easy-to-understand reports that tell people how much money a company is making or how much a project might cost.

You know how sometimes you go to the store to buy things and you have to choose which things to buy because you can't buy everything you want? Well, businesses also have to make choices like that. They have to decide what things to buy or build, and sometimes they have to decide whether to sell something or keep it. The financial analyst helps them make those decisions by looking at the money that's coming in and going out of the business.

The financial analyst also helps investors decide which businesses to invest their money in. Remember that money you have in your piggy bank? Well, grown-ups have their own piggy banks called investments. They put their money into businesses hoping that those businesses will become more valuable and give them even more money in the future. The financial analyst helps them figure out which businesses are safe and which ones might be risky.

Now, you might think that all this sounds pretty boring, but financial analysts actually get to use their imagination and creativity to solve problems. They have to dig deep into numbers and find patterns or clues that help them understand what's going on with money. And if they do their job well, they can help businesses and investors make smart decisions that can make a big difference in people's lives.