ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5
Examples: zk proofs, tea, kook, sdk, montreal

Fire curtain

Have you ever seen those red curtains that hang in theaters? Well, a fire curtain is kind of like that but it's not for decoration.

Imagine if there was a fire in a big building, like a theater or a mall. The fire could spread really quickly and hurt a lot of people. That's where the fire curtain comes in.

The fire curtain is a big sheet made of special fire-resistant material that hangs in the building above the stage or the area where people gather. When there's a fire, a special alarm goes off and the fire curtain comes down like a big blanket to separate the fire from the people.

The fire curtain is really strong and can stop fire and smoke from getting through. It's like a superhero cape for the building! This way, people can safely evacuate the building without getting hurt by fire or smoke.

So remember, the fire curtain is like a big blanket that comes down during a fire to protect people and stop the fire from spreading. It's very important to have one in big buildings to keep everyone safe.