ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fire protection engineering

Fire protection engineering is all about keeping you safe from fire. You know that fire can be really dangerous and damage things, right? Well, fire protection engineers use science and math to make sure that buildings and structures are built in a way that will keep people and their things safe from fire.

That means they figure out how to prevent fires from starting in the first place. They do things like make sure electrical wiring and appliances are safe and make sure things that can easily catch on fire, like curtains or cardboard boxes, are stored in the right way.

When fires do start, fire protection engineers think about how to make sure they don’t spread too quickly. They design special systems in buildings like sprinklers and fire alarms that can detect fires early and help put them out before they get too big.

Overall, fire protection engineering is all about keeping you and everything you own safe from fire!