ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fire sprinkler

A fire sprinkler is like a little superhero that helps protect buildings from fires. Imagine a tiny shower head attached to the ceiling or wall, ready to spray water when there is a fire.

Just like how we use buckets of water to put out small fires at home, fire sprinklers use water to do the same thing. But instead of us having to fill buckets and throw water on the fire, the sprinkler system does it automatically with a sprinkle of water from above.

When a fire starts, the heat from the flames will trigger the sprinkler, making it spray water onto the fire. The water is sprayed out in a way that covers the whole area and puts out the flames.

Because fire sprinklers are set up all over the building, they can put out small fires quickly and prevent bigger fires from spreading. This means the fire department will have an easier time putting out the fire, and people inside the building can safely escape without getting hurt.

So, in short, fire sprinklers are tiny superhero shower heads that help put out fires before they get big and hurt people.