ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fire striker

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a fire striker? It's a kind of tool that helps you start a fire when you're camping or just need to start a fire at home.

Now, you may know that when you rub two sticks together, they can create friction which can eventually create sparks. A fire striker works on a similar principle. When you strike the sharp part of the fire striker against a hard surface like a rock or even the striker itself, it creates friction and sparks. These sparks are really hot and can ignite a fire if you use them in the right way.

The fire striker has two parts - the striker and the flint. The flint is usually a small piece of rock that is really hard and can create sparks when scraped against the striker. The striker is usually made of metal and has a rough edge or some kind of serrations. When you strike the flint with the striker, lots of tiny pieces of metal are scraped off, and the friction created by this movement creates sparks.

It's important to note that fire strikers are not toys and should only be used with adult supervision. They can be dangerous if used improperly, so it's important to be careful. But, if used correctly, a fire striker can be a helpful tool for starting fires when you need one!