ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

First Amendment audits

Okay, so you know how sometimes people take videos or pictures of really cool things or places, and they want to show their friends? Well, sometimes people also take videos or pictures of places where there are lots of people working or where important things happen, like police stations or government buildings.

Now, in America, we have something called the First Amendment, which is a super important rule that says people have the right to say and do what they want without the government getting in their way. That means that people can take pictures and videos of basically anything as long as they're not breaking the law or hurting anyone.

So, some people like to go to these important places and take videos or pictures to show that they can, because they want to make sure that the government is following the First Amendment and not trying to stop people from speaking or showing what they want. They call this a "First Amendment Audit".

Basically, it's like a grown-up version of playing "Simon Says" with the government - the people taking the pictures or videos are saying "Simon says I can take pictures here," and the government has to follow along and not do anything to stop them!

Some people think these First Amendment Audits are really important, because they help make sure that the government doesn't try to stop us from speaking our minds or sharing information. Others think it's kind of silly, because most people aren't trying to take pictures of secret government stuff and the government usually doesn't mind anyway.

So, that's the basic idea - people taking pictures and videos to test if the government is following the First Amendment, like playing Simon Says. But it's actually a pretty complicated topic, so if you have any more questions, feel free to ask an adult to explain it more!