ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

First Battle of Tijuana

Okay kiddo, so the first battle of Tijuana happened a long time ago, in 1911. Back then, Mexico was going through a big change - a revolution! This meant that lots of people were fighting to make things better for their country. One group of revolutionaries, the Maderistas, wanted to take control of Tijuana, a city on the border of Mexico and the United States.

The Maderistas and the people who already lived in Tijuana didn't get along very well. So, on January 9th, 1911, the Maderistas decided to attack the city. It was like a big war! They tried to take control of Tijuana by fighting the people who lived there.

The battle lasted for three days, and it was really scary. Lots of people got hurt, and some even died. Eventually, the leader of the Maderistas decided to give up and retreat. This means they went back to where they came from, without winning the battle.

The first battle of Tijuana was an important moment in the Mexican Revolution. Even though the Maderistas lost, it showed that they were willing to fight for what they believed in. And it helped pave the way for other battles and changes in Mexico.