ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

First English Civil War, 1643

Okay kiddo, let me tell you a story about a time called the English Civil War. It all started in the year 1643. At this time, England was ruled by a king named Charles I. The people of England were not very happy with him because he was making all the big decisions by himself and not listening to their opinions.

Some people in England, called Parliamentarians, thought the king should share his power with them. They wanted to have a say in how the country was run. But the king didn't like this idea because he thought he was the only one who should make decisions.

So the Parliamentarians decided to fight for their rights. They formed an army and went to battle against the king's army. This was called the First English Civil War.

The two sides fought many battles all over the country. It was a very scary time for everyone, with soldiers marching around, fighting and killing each other. Many people were hurt or killed, and homes and towns were destroyed.

Finally, after four years of fighting, the Parliamentarians won. They captured the king and put him in prison. They then made a new government called the Commonwealth of England, led by Oliver Cromwell.

But things didn't stay peaceful for long. Later on, there was a second English Civil War, but that's a story for another time. The important thing to remember is that the First English Civil War was a fight between the king and the Parliamentarians over who should make the big decisions about England.