ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

First wave of European colonization

Long time ago, many European countries like Spain, Portugal, and England wanted to explore and find new lands outside of their own countries. They believed that these new lands were full of resources that they could use to make their own countries richer and more powerful.

So, they set sail on big ships called sailing ships and traveled across the oceans to explore these new lands. They reached places like South America, North America, and Africa. When they arrived, they met many different people and cultures that were very different from their own.

The Europeans brought with them new ideas, weapons, and technology. They used these things to conquer and take over the lands they visited. They built colonies or small communities that were controlled by their countries. They did this by using force and making the people in those lands work for them.

The people in those lands were often forced to work on plantations or in mines to create resources for the Europeans. This was not fair, and it made the people in those lands very unhappy and even sick. Many people were brought there against their will and it was a terrible time in history.

This period of time when the Europeans were exploring and taking over these new lands is called the First Wave of European Colonization. It lasted for hundreds of years and had a big impact on the people who lived in these lands.